Life on Mars scheduling/BBC video

Importance of Crime Dramas to channel/ratings- It is important for Life on Mars to be scheduled after the watershed so as they can show accurate representations of the crime that was happening back in the 1970's, if the programme was shown before this time, it would not be appropriate as the violent scenes and foul language would not be suitable for family viewing. If the show was to be shown before 9 o'clock (therefore not give an accurate representation) could mean that viewing figures could be effected as the show may not give a true portrayal of the 1970's. In addition to this, creating accurate representations may engage the target audience and also allow them to compare genuine 70's crime with the crimes of today.

Life on Mars was scheduled at 9pm every Monday (peak viewing time). Post-watershed, in-between Eastenders and BBC news at 10.
Being shown at this time is key for the show as it is peak viewing time which means this is when most people are watching television so this of course means there is more chance of people seeing that the show is on, therefore watching it. The fact it is on just after Eastenders means there is a chance that people who were watching Eastenders will realise that Life on Mars is on next and stay tuned to watch it. Also, the show is scheduled post-watershed which means accurate and graphic scenes of crime in the 70's can be shown, in addition to this, following Life on Mars was BBC news at 10 which means people may be tuning in to BBC 1 to watch the news and catch Life on Mars, it also means people can watch the show then compare policing in the 70's to the policing at the time (in the news).

Zoning of Crime Dramas
Life on Mars is scheduled at a time where other crime dramas may be on television which also links to the fact that these shows are shown at peak times which means general viewing figures are high, meaning there is more chance of people tuning in. The fact that each Life on Mars episode isn't directly linked and there is not one consistent story throughout, there are smaller stories in each episode which all link to the over arching plot of the show. Due to this, the programme is not shown daily as viewers may miss episodes and feel like they won't understand the storyline again, therefore the show is scheduled weekly.

BBC Pure Drame video
The BBC Pure Drama video presents the viewer with all aspects of life through the world of drama. We start at birth with Call the Midwife, this is the beginning of life, where we all start. We then see ides about growing older and falling in the love with Pride and Prejudice and also the constant twists and turns that life brings through the showing of Doctor Who. In this video the BBC also show us historical events that give us an idea of how we have to gotten to where we are today in terms of television. It also important that the BBC engage all generations in their crime dramas so as younger viewers can compare how crime dramas (and crimes in general) differ from when their parents/grandparents experienced.


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